Breadboarding, Veroboard prototyping and Soldering

I was tasked to try and make certain breadboarding work. The following were the steps I took to get my finished breadboards. To make it easier to read, I have broken them into different parts so as to not be confused.

Breadboard 1: Connecting Positives and Negatives

STEP 1: Connect the positive and negatives to their respective parts in the breadboard.

Breadboard 2: 2 LEDs and 1 Button

1. Connect the LEDs and the Button to the respective places.

2. This is the breadboard with both LEDs off (button not pressed).

3. This is the breadboard with the first LED on (button pressed once).

4. This is the breadboard with the second LED on (button pressed twice).

5. This is the breadboard with both LEDs on (button pressed thrice).

6. This is the breadboard with both LEDs off (button pressed four times).

Breadboard 3: RGB

1. Connect the RGB and the photoresistor to the respective places. This is the breadboard with the RGB off (pre-reaction).

2. This is the breadboard with the RGB on Blue.

3. This is the breadboard with the RGB on Green.

4. This is the breadboard with the RGB on Red.

5. This is the breadboard with RGB on Cyan (Blue + Green + Red).


1. Use a sandpaper to sand down the clip of the postive and negative clips.

2. Clean up the soldering iron prior to using it.

3. Use the soldering iron to burn the iron and connect it to the clip.

4. Use the sides of the clips to secure the wire in place.

5. After tigthening the sides, the clip is ready to go.

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